No ATM Fees Worldwide, Travel the World No Problem

This post is also on I thought that some people that visit this website may also benefit from this information so I included it here.

No ATM Fees Worldwide

No ATM fees worldwide

One thing that surprises me while traveling is how much people spend withdrawing money from ATM’s. I talked to a couple of people in the hostel and one person from Australia told me he spends $20 each time he wants to withdraw money. On hearing this an American girl than told me that it cost her $7 each time. When I told them that I did it for free, that I had no ATM frees worldwide, they didn’t believe me. Here is my secret. I opened a money market account at Charles Schwab. The money market account comes with a debit/ATM card that has no withdrawal fees as long as the ATM has the visa logo on it. The American girl than told me that was ok, but it wouldn’t be convenient if her parents needed to put money in the account for her. I told her that I have my account linked to a bank account and transferring money form one to the other is free. A bonus for how easy it is, is the account at Schwab can be opened online and over the phone so you can be anywhere in the world and the card gets mailed to you in just a couple of business days. I have used this technique the entire time that I have traveled Ireland and have not had a single problem or had to pay a single transaction fee.Hope this tip helps people. Share it will everyone that you know that travels for fun or business or like learning cool things.


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