Archive for the ‘Chinese Business’ Category

United Nation Worker in Beijing China

I was at the Beijing zoo in 2008. I was talking to a women and it turned out she was a United Nations Worker. She was in Beijing, China was a United Nations meeting. The information below is from my journal. Enjoy. United Nation Worker in Beijing China: While in the Beijing zoo I met […]

Communicating with Chinese Employee/Coworker/Boss

This article addresses two major problems people might face when Communicating with Chinese Employee/Coworker/Boss This afternoon, I was talking to a former employee on QQ (similar to Aim or skype in the states but very popular in China) she was complaining about her new job. There was one particular instance in general that she was complaining […]

No ATM Fees Worldwide, Travel the World No Problem

This post is also on I thought that some people that visit this website may also benefit from this information so I included it here. No ATM Fees Worldwide One thing that surprises me while traveling is how much people spend withdrawing money from ATM’s. I talked to a couple of people in the hostel […]

How to instantly make a Friend in China

It is a lot easier than many think to make a Chinese friend in China. Ok, let me rephrase that, meet a Chinese person in China (everyone’s definition of a true friend is different so I am keeping it simple). Here are somethings to know. People in China hardly ever introduce themselves to strangers, it’s not part […]

Chinese Salaries, How much do Chinese really get Paid?

The first things, related to business in China, that people normally ask me is, “How much do people in China Really get paid? How much, really is are Chinese salaries? I want to hire a Chinese person but an average Chinese Salary is how much? ” I asked a couple of people what their salaries […]