United Nation Worker in Beijing China

I was at the Beijing zoo in 2008. I was talking to a women and it turned out she was a United Nations Worker. She was in Beijing, China was a United Nations meeting. The information below is from my journal. Enjoy.United Nation Worker in Beijing China

United Nation Worker in Beijing China:

While in the Beijing zoo I met a women that works for the United Nations. The conversation stated with us talking about the animals in the zoo and then led into why we were both in Beijing. Once I found out who she was I just let her talk. She started by talking about how US is declining and how Asia is going to be such a power house. That to plan for the future her and many people she knew were doing one thing, having their kids were learn Farsi and Mandarin. This was to do world business in the future. She talked about how water is going to be the “gold” of the future. Then she talked about the United Nations and how a way to make money was to go to the United Nation website and find out which companies sign contracts with the UN. The information is public and can be found and these companies stock prices normally go up after a contract is signed. (I went to the United Nations website and to be honest couldn’t find the exact names of any company. If anyone has any ideas on how to get this information please let me know.) How Latin American if united like the European Union could be this huge power house because they will be able to offer the world everything that it wants. The soil is rich and so many weather climates that anything can grow. There are also a lot of natural resources that are available.  Then she mentioned how the people in different parts of the world are so different. For example, in China people will work hard for just a bowl of rice because there is honor in work, where in the US if you don’t get a high salary you’re not going to try to do anything. (At first, when I lived in China I agreed with this statement but now I disagree. There is a part that there is honor in work, but it feels that it if more just to survive. In the States if you are unemployed you can still live really well off credit cards, or unemployment or government loans. In China if you are unemployed your ****! Even if you do have a good job what is considered middle class living standards is really comparing to poverty standard in the states. (This is living standard, not safety standard, even in the poorest areas of China it is a lot safer than many good parts in the States)) She also thought it was funny how many people in the US want to have PhD just so they can be called doctors. (I agree with this) She also commented on how a great source of news information is actually the UN website.  This is because the topics on the website are what’s really going on and affecting the world. I have gone to the website for new and what is covered there is a lot more through than seems to be on any news station. 

Here is a link to the United Nations if you want to check


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