7 interesting things about Living in China

This what I wrote to people weeks after arriving in China, and in the parentheses () are my comments that I am writing now as I write this post.

7 interesting things about Living in China:

A thought I had. People in the US always talk about how with China’s one child policy. The young won’t be able to support the old. The problem with this is I don’t think they consider how much more this generation, in terms of money has. I mean where it might take 5 people to support a retired couple in the past, there might only need to be one to support a retired couple now. (Another thing that I noticed was the giant migration of workers from the country side to the cities. 7 interesting things about Living in ChinaThe children in the cities would send money back to their parents who stayed in their small villages. In many situation the grandchildren would stay with the grandparents as the parents worked in the city in order to support everyone as they stayed at a lower living cost)

I went to the electronic mall to buy a translator and I was amazed at everything I saw. There was one booth that sold every type of software that one could buy in the US in a knock off Chinese version for 2 bucks or so. I mean everything: Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Windows. I saw a couple of electronic things that I don’t remember seeing in the US before I left. For 800 US dollars you can get this phone here that is: touch screen, 8 gig hard drive, 5 mega pixel camera, with all the other toys one could think of. (The phone thing now is nothing special, but the software is even better. I went there to get a book on how to learn Dreamweaver one time and in the book was a free copy of the program. I then looked around are noticed all the “How to books” for all the programs came with a free version of the software and many of the “How to books” were actually copies of originals as well. So for about 2 Dollars one could get an instructional book with the software. )

Here, I have noticed that people refer to their best friends as brother or sister also, when you ask someone to introduce you to their friends, they always say their roommates. (I notice the longer I was here that people were very hesitant to introduce someone to people. Also, with people not having brothers or sisters they would just call best friends brother or sister. I would meet people that would refer to a couple as their brother and sister only to then realize the three people were just really close friends and one was a couple, but no blood relations)

Jokes here are pretty funny. So far the ones I have heard consist of, “How do you do put an elephant in a refrigerator? Open the door and let him in.” Another favorite one seems to be to say a person’s name and then say nothing when they respond. I actually find this humor pretty funny to be honest. (the best part is no one understands sarcasm. No one. I would have conversations with foreigners and my Chinese friends thought we were going to fight and then we would burst out in laughter)

It is very easy to get upset at all the money foreigners throw around in Beijing. I know foreigners that have VIP memberships to all the posh clubs here. (This may not mean much but the drink at these clubs cost the same as a club in San Francisco, and this is a third world country). (It is amazing the difference in life style that many of the foreigners have. It is common for a table to spend on a meal the same amount as their waitress’s month salary on a meal.)

I am pissed at the program I am doing. It is because I feel that I am not getting the support that I believed I would be getting when I got here. I am still doing well because I am a pretty motivated person, but I feel that I am just in a bit of a better place, so I don’t feel that I’m getting my money worth. (I got lucky. the program I went through later closed down without telling anyone. Many students lost all their tuition and teachers their salaries.)

I noticed that even numbers are considered lucky so all jackets and things have to have an even number of pockets. (I just read this and don’t remember this, I think my Chinese teacher told this to me.)

10 things said in Beijing, China-talking to Chinese University Students

While in Beijing I talk to a group of Chinese University students and here are some interesting things that they said.

10 things said in Beijing, China:

Girls don’t like how dry from the weather in Beijing is, it is bad for the skin.

When communicating with Chinese is Beijing the people use the word “beautiful” for everything. If something is interesting, it is beautiful, if something sounds 10 things said in Beijing China, by local University Chinese Studentsgood, it is beautiful.

They teach kung fu weapons in Gym class.

People don’t like gym because it is hard to get high marks.

A lot of people feel that they are lonely because they have never had a brother or sister.

There are a lot of stereotypes for different ethnic groups. They think Germans are very serious, Americans are very open minded and live life and think of work second.

The girls here seem to be jealous towards American girls because they can do anything they want, (they don’t like how they drink so much though)

Many think Averil Lavine is this amazing girl who has her own style and is so free–little to they know about corporate puppets.

Some people are now trying to learn History through US history books because they know that things are censored in their books.

There is a feeling that when a daughter gets married that she leaves her original family and is now part of the family that her husband is part of.


Contacting People in China & Wedding Gifts in China

This is a quick post but the audio that goes with it explains everything in detail. I am making this Contact people in China, Wedding Gifts in Chinapost for two reasons. The first is to talk about an interesting conversation I had with my friend. The second reason is I want everyone to try the other types of media on this site. If you are only reading the posts you are missing out on all the great information that is on the audio and video files on this site. Both the Podcast and the Videos explain the topics in even more detail with lots of stories. So, with this post I would like everyone to try the other medians out.

Check out all the resources to get the most benefit. (Now on to the information)

I just spent 1 hour taking to my friend online in China. It started with me calling her cellphone, using Skype, to ask her if she was near a computer; we then spent the next 10 minutes as Skype continuously disconnected us. Then we used QQ which is probably the most common program for communication in all of China. (It is like AIM) We had absolutely no problems talking, even with video which really surprised me, because with Skype not even the basic voice call worked.

Once we were able to talk the conversation focused around a mutual friend of ours possibly getting married. The problem with this is, it is my friends best friend. This means she is expected to give a gift which basically has no price limit. If she just knew the person she might have to give 500 RMB or so (remember an average months salary is  between 2500-3000 RMB a month)  but since she is her best friend she is expected to give several thousand RMB; 1 2 or even 3 months salary equivalent. This isn’t just a one time gift either. If the couple decides to have a child for the baby shower a big gift will have to be given and also when the child turns one. My friend was on the phone panicking about this, because she knows she has to start saving for it now, even though no wedding date has been set.  Continue reading this post…

EBOOK Released

I want Everyone to know I Finished an EBOOK and I

am giving it to Everyone!


If you are planning of working, living, traveling in China or

just want to learn about the Chinese Culture, this book is

for you.

Many that have been to China on more than one occasion

have reported learning a Great Deal from this book.

Topics include

  • Who pays at Meals 

  • Chinese Superstitions

  • Gifts that should not be given in China

  • Some of the most common Surprises when Arriving in 
  • China

  • Places to take a Date in China
  • and more….

Chinese Censor Part Two, Different Realizations Living in China

Chinese Censor Part Two Living in China and the Realizations I had when first arriving

I broke this into two parts, because the second part of the email (this was originally an email I sent to a friend) talked more about what I did and cultural aspects of Living in China and not the censorship part.  There is still a lot of information here -Enjoy!

I am amazed at how many people here talk about Harvard and how one day they wish they could study there. I remember in Costa Rica people knew of this college as well. I am amazed at its reputation and can hardly imagine the benefits of being alumni from this school. (It is actually really bad there with the comparison of Chinese Universities to the Universities in the States. People would tell me they go to one University in China and then say the “equal” in the States. The problem was they would always name a top IV league school and if you look at the applicants and the students the levels are not anywhere near each other)Chinese censor living in China

One thing that I am really thinking about as a benefit to the US is customer service. This is because in the US if a customer wants something the employee really tries to figure out a way to give it to them, and in the process usually come up with new ideas for things or ways for doing something. Here it is by the book and that is the end of it, resulting in no free thinking to solve a problem from different angles. (This is one thing that is getting better especially at hotels or places that are visited for foreigners, but local places it is still terrible. There were store where I would have to go to three counters or more just to buy one item.)

I have talked to many foreigners about what they have realized the differences between china and their country. The Russians say that the people here are a lot nicer to others and that they seem to be helpful to people other than themselves. They also think the country is very clean. Everyone else seems to have the opposite view from the Russians.

One thing that is funny is that all Chinese parents seem to want their children to marry a Chinese person and it is said to be “traditional”, but if white parents were to say that they want their children only to marry a white person they would be considered racist. (I want to change this from racist to close minded and white parents to all parents in the states)
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