Archive for the ‘Chinese Business’ Category

China and signs of Wealth

I was on the phone with a Chinese friend and she told me she had to do some chores around her apartment. She then started to ask me some of the words for the different appliances in English. We talked for a bit, but when she asked me how to say dishwasher I started to […]

10 things said in Beijing, China-talking to Chinese University Students

While in Beijing I talk to a group of Chinese University students and here are some interesting things that they said. 10 things said in Beijing, China: Girls don’t like how dry from the weather in Beijing is, it is bad for the skin. When communicating with Chinese is Beijing the people use the word […]

Contacting People in China & Wedding Gifts in China

This is a quick post but the audio that goes with it explains everything in detail. I am making this post for two reasons. The first is to talk about an interesting conversation I had with my friend. The second reason is I want everyone to try the other types of media on this site. […]

EBOOK Released

I want Everyone to know I Finished an EBOOK and I am giving it to Everyone! Free EBOOK If you are planning of working, living, traveling in China or just want to learn about the Chinese Culture, this book is for you. Many that have been to China on more than one occasion have reported […]

8 things learned after Living in China for 13 years

I went through my journal and when I first arrived in China I met a French guy that told me he had been living in China for 13 years. I asked him if there is anything I should know about China and this is what he told me. (I had been in China for only […]